Hi Tamas, well I'm not sure but it was older version than 1.7. maybe 1.3 or 1.5 Yes I like HyperShot because rendering works could be very simple with it.
Hi, your work is really stunning, I tried following your tutorial and grasshopper image but there are fair a bit of overlapping and old version. Just by any chance sharing your work or send me through hotmail, vrealcs_c2s@hotmail.com will greatly help in my project. Cheers mate.
Hi Sanghoon, love your work, I am fairly new to grasshopper and I was trying to understand your tutorial but I dont know the names to some of your modules and its dificult to understand some due to the quality of the picture. Could you share your script or the names of the of the modules used, thanks: alonso_odria_mer@hotmail.com
Great! Is it possible to share xml file for beginners to learn from it?
Great workflow.
Would it be possible to explain/tutorialize or make the transaction (.ghx) file available?
Thanks, it was done old version of Grasshopper. I want to update with current version and will post on my blog.
what version of hypershot are you using in your video to this? 1.7 or is it already the 1.8? are you happy with it?
Hi Tamas, well I'm not sure but it was older version than 1.7. maybe 1.3 or 1.5
Yes I like HyperShot because rendering works could be very simple with it.
Great work!
Hi, your work is really stunning, I tried following your tutorial and grasshopper image but there are fair a bit of overlapping and old version. Just by any chance sharing your work or send me through hotmail, vrealcs_c2s@hotmail.com will greatly help in my project. Cheers mate.
Hi Sanghoon, love your work, I am fairly new to grasshopper and I was trying to understand your tutorial but I dont know the names to some of your modules and its dificult to understand some due to the quality of the picture. Could you share your script or the names of the of the modules used, thanks:
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